Registered under Govt. of Kerala. Reg. No. 833/04


At a time when computer capability is essential, the challenge faced by most of our people is the huge fees for computer training. Exploiting the lack of information, some outfits charge high fees using attractive offers.

Re-Tek, started in 2000 to promote computer education as intended by the Governments of India and Kerala, has by now completed 22 years. We are satisfied that in this period we have been able to spread computer literacy among many young people and help them to reap the benefits of the training they have received at Re-Tek. The special features of our college are advanced syllabus, experienced faculty, a modern computer laboratory, and supportive learning environment.

Re-Tek Cyber College is recognized by C-DIT, Govt. of Kerala for conducting various computer courses that are approved by the PSC. We thank our students and the public for their cooperation, in helping us achieve this goal. It’s a golden opportunity for learning aspirants to join various computer courses being offered by us at a reasonable fee.